Tuesday, April 6, 2010

kraken- 2010 3rd fastest supercomputer

Supercomputer is a computer that is at the frontline of current processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation. Supercomputers were introduced in the 1960s and were designed primarily by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC), which led the market into the 1970s until Cray left to form his own company, Cray Research. He then took over the supercomputer market with his new designs, holding the top spot in supercomputing for five years (1985-1990).
Today, supercomputers are typically one of a kind custom designs produced by traditional companies such as Cray, IBM and Hewlett-Packard, who had purchased many of the 1980s companies to gain their experience. For November 2009, Jaguar took the top spot with 1.76 PetaFLOPS Rmax and 2.33 PFLOPS in peak computational power [Rpeak]. This machine is the first system to pass the 2PFLOPS barrier, only a year after the world saw the first PFLOPS system. The world's first 1PFLOPS machine was Roadrunner from Los Alamos National Laboratories [LANL], who dropped to second place with 1.04 Rmax / 1.37 Rpeak PFLOPS, down by 35 GFLOPS as Roadrunner is also having upgrades taking place [Roadrunner is still based on AMD's 1st Gen Opteron Dual-cores at 1.8 GHz].

Kraken XT5 - Cray XT5-HE Opteron Six Core 2.6 GHz
Kraken, an upgraded Cray XT5 system at the National Institute for Computational Sciences at the University of Tennessee, performed 832 teraflops. It is the third ranking on fastest supercomputer in the world.

System Name: Kraken XT5
Site: National Institute for Computational Sciences/University of Tennessee
System Family: Cray XT
System Model: Cray XT5-HE
Computer: Cray XT5-HE Opteron Six Core 2.6 GHz
Vendor: Cray Inc.
Application Area: Research
Installation Year: 2009
Operating System: Linux
Interconnect: Proprietary
Processor: AMD x86_64 Opteron Six Core 2600 MHz (10.4 GFlops)
Cores: 98928
Rmax: 831.70 TFlop
Rpeak: 1.02885 PFlop

Kraken Cray XT5 system specifications:
The system in Kraken has:
• Cray Linux Environment (CLE) 2.2
• A peak performance of 1.03 PetaFLOP
• 99,072 compute cores
• 129 TB of compute memory
• A 3.3 PB raw parallel file system of disk storage for scratch space (2.4 PB available)
• 8,256 compute nodes
Each node has:
• Two 2.6 GHz six-core AMD Opteron processors (Istanbul)
• 12 cores
• 16 GB of memory
• Connection via Cray SeaStar2+ router

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